FREE CONCUSSION SEMINAR – September 27, 7-9:00pm

REGISTER NOW! for our FREE seminar on concussions featuring Dr. Michael Hutchison, a Leaside fellow and MD, PhD at St Michael’s and the University of Toronto. Dr. Hutchison is well respected for his research and presentations and speaks from personal experience with concussion. Dr. Hutchison will be introduced by Dr. Charles Tator, Canada’s foremost concussion researcher. There will be a question and answer period after the presentation.

Who should attend?
Coaches, parents, students, anyone who would like to learn more about:

• What is a concussion? what happens to your brain during and following the injury?
• What can I do to prevent a concussion? What can sports do to help prevent concussion?
• What’s baseline testing? Is this something I need?
• What’s new in concussion management and rehabilitation?
• What is “normal” recovery?
• What does Rowan’s Law mean for concussion safety?

Attendees will also receive handout prepared by Dr. Hutchison for this event.
REGISTER NOW! Limited seating available.

The William Lea Room, Leaside Community Memorial Gardens
1073 Millwood Road

Leaside Gardens now part of the National Inventory of Military Memorials

We are pleased to announce that Leaside Memorial Community Gardens is now part of the National Inventory of Canadian Military Memorials.

The National Inventory of Canadian Military Memorials website is a repository of memorials and monuments located in communities across the country. Currently, more than 7,500 memorials are posted on the website.

This recreation facility was named in honour of the World War II veterans. The plaque mounted outside the facility reads: “In memory of the men of the Town of Leaside who gave their lives for their country in the second World War – 1939-1945”.

17 Servicemen from Leaside were killed in World War II. All of the Servicemen resided in South Leaside at some point. Some were raised in Leaside while others moved to Leaside as young adults.
