Entries by leasidegardens

CONCUSSION SEMINAR Thursday, September 27 7-9 pm

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! Please join us for a seminar on concussions featuring Dr. Michael Hutchison, a Leaside fellow and MD, PhD at St Mikes and U of T with primary interest in this area.   Michael is well respected for his research and presentations and speaks from personal experience with concussion.   This is for […]

Committed to our community

May 31st marked the first community education session under the auspices of the Leaside Gardens Safety Committee. The free CPR, AED and Choking response clinic was attended by a full house of 80 participants. Made possible through a donation from the Dr. Tom Pashby Sport Safety Fund, the session saw Panno Medical’s front line paramedics […]

What’s in a name? The Dr. Tom Pashby Play Safely Rink

When the Leaside Gardens board named the new ice surface the Dr. Tom Pashby Play Safely Rink, it wasn’t just a way to honour a well-known pioneer in sports safety and revered member of the Leaside community. While that in itself is a wonderful reason, the heart of the decision behind the donation made by […]


FREE CPR, Choking and Defibrillator clinic May 31, 2018 | 7:00-9:00pm On May 31st Leaside Gardens will offer a FREE CPR, Choking and Defibrillator clinic in the William Lea room. Working with Panno Medical we will have Toronto and area Paramedics providing critical life saving information. TOPICS TO BE COVERED: CPR and AED for adults How […]

Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities at LMCG

Want to enhance your profile in the Leaside Community and surrounding area? Consider advertising and sponsorship opportunities at Leaside Memorial Community Gardens. You can advertise on our arena dasher boards and our pylon sign. Please contact the office to enquire availability Tel: 416-421-4944  |  Email: leasidegardens@on.aibn.com DASHER BOARDS Dr. Tom Pashby Play Safely Rink $1988.25/yr +HST – includes production […]

Leaside Sports Hall of Fame 5th Annual Induction Celebration

Friday, November 17, 7pm Leaside Memorial Community Gardens – William Lea Room Tickets: $25 Special Guest and Keynote Speaker: SPIDER JONES An award winning journalist in both the music and boxing fields, Jones is a three time former Golden Glove Champion and was inducted into the Canadian Boxing Hall of Fame. 2017 Inductees and Athlete of […]

LMCG event celebrates its 65 anniversary and kicks-off Food Drive

Leaside Memorial Community Gardens was the scene of ceremonies to mark its 65 anniversary as well as the tenth anniversary of the neighborhood food drive started by Sarah and Claire Jordan. The event was opened with a ceremonial cake cutting, and speeches by political and civilian figures, and Ray White, Chairman of the arena. Sarah and Claire co-founders […]


JOIN US SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 2017 | 10am-3pm We will be partnering with Leaside-based Sarah and Claire’s Food Drive to not only celebrate 65 years of the Gardens proudly serving our community, but to also launch the food drive’s fundraising initiative of bringing more food to the tables of those in need this Thanksgiving season. […]